

The first meeting of 2024-25 club year will be Tuesday, September 10th. Cost of the luncheon has been raised to $25. The entree will be Grilled Chicken w/Peaches and Goat Cheese, and Rice Pilaf. Dessert will be Newberry Cookies.

The cost of the luncheon is $25. Doors open at 9:30, meeting begins at 10:15.

Our preferred method of payment is a check made payable to ANC. 

The deadline for September reservations is Thursday, September 5th 

If you cancel your luncheon reservation after noon on the Thursday prior to the meeting, you must pay the $25 luncheon fee. We suggest you have a friend bring your meal to you if you cannot attend. 

For reservations or cancellations, either email [email protected] or call  

A-L  Amy Connolley      973-670-1399 

L-Z   Lee Rand                 803-643-0343

September Speaker

Our September speaker will be Jeffrey Wallace. He was the News Editor at Aiken Standard from1978-2020. Jeffrey keeps busy now by writing a weekly column in the Weekend edition of the Aiken Standard.

Social Committee

GREAT NEWS! We now have a social committee  headed by Lynn Gluvna with 6 other members.  They have planned their first outing - A Pot Luck Recipe Exchange to take place at the large gazebo at the Village of Woodside on Friday, September 27th at 5:30. Cost will $5 per person and they ask that you bring  your favorite potluck dish to share as well as the recipe. Music will be provided by Joshua Kendrik from 6-8 at the gazebo closet to Village Cafe, so don't forget your lawn chair! Look for the flyer in the next EBlast with more info. Sign up at the September 10th meeting !

Renew Membership

Our club year begins June 1st, so if you haven't renewed your membership yet, it's time!



Welcome to Aiken, South Carolina!

Representing true southern hospitality and charm, the Aiken Newcomers' Club (ANC) provides a valuable service to the residents of Aiken, South Carolina and surrounding regions. ANC does not limit its members to actual newcomers to the area, but rather offers an opportunity for women to socialize, represent Aiken, and give back to the community.

We have many activities and events but our regular monthly meeting is a Luncheon meeting held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Newberry Hall, 117 Newberry Street SW.  The doors open at 9:30 AM; meeting begins at 10:15 AM.  Click here to see more information about our Luncheon meetings. 

Our Mission Statement:

Aiken Newcomers' Club shall provide opportunities to its members to become acquainted with other members, as well as with the many community activities and functions. 

The Club will undertake and complete charitable, humanitarian, and social welfare projects, while being nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonpolitical, and nonprofit.





President -                 Amy Connolley                                                            

Vice President -         Open            

Co-Treasurers -        Lucy Sutter