The first meeting of 2024-25 club year will be Tuesday, September 10th. The entree will be Grilled Chicken w/Peaches and Goat Cheese, and Rice Pilaf. Dessert will be Newberry Cookies.
The cost of the luncheon is $25. Doors open at 9:30, meeting begins at 10:15.
Our preferred method of payment is a check made payable to ANC.
The deadline for September reservations is Thursday, September 5th
If you cancel your luncheon reservation after noon on the Thursday prior to the meeting, you must pay the $25 luncheon fee. We suggest you have a friend bring your meal to you if you cannot attend.
For reservations or cancellations, either email [email protected] or call
A-L Amy Connolley 973-670-1399
L-Z Lee Rand 803-643-0343